Tuesday 26 January 2016

Introduction: Who, Why & What Now?

Please note this blog has moved from its original place. This post was originally written on 15th May 2015.

You may call me Lion Heart. I am a member of the Grand Order of Draco Slayers. A Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Some of you will be familiar with The G.O.O.D.S and for some of you this may be the first time you have heard of us.

We are a Magical Martial Order, dedicated to the eradication of the Illuminati Draconian threat which is a blight on the human race. Our goal is to combat the above be it in the astral or physical plane.

For those of you who have not heard of us before I suggest you start here:

I have been involved in the G.O.O.D.S movement now for about 4 years to the date of writing this blog and esoteric arts for much longer. Lion Heart was a title bestowed upon me by St George (more about that another time). Writing this blog has been something I have been meaning to do for some time now but I feel that I have now been pushed into doing this with Bear Heart taking a step back from the public eye.

The G.O.O.D.S movement is still alive and well, there is an active group of Ceremonial Magicians now networking with each other across the world doing their own workings and inspiring others. The majority of us keep our identities secret. There are forces out there who would wish to see our movement crushed and I have a message for those forces:

YOU HAVE FAILED. All of BH's blog and all of his videos have been fully backed up across the world, physically backed up. If and when this information gets deleted off the internet it will simply be re-uploaded along with new material. In summary we are slowly becoming legion. You will not stop us!!!

No doubt a lot of you will have the following questions:

Where has BH gone and is he alive/ok?

To answer that question, yes he is fine. He has taken a step back from the public eye and is still continuing his great work. Whether or not he will reappear in the public eye I do not know. We all wish him the very best in all his future endeavours. Your work lives on in us!

So what now?

With BH away a lot of you feel that you have lost direction and are crying out for a leader to inspire you and to lead you. What I am about to say is going to sound harsh to some of you:


Bear Heart is not your leader, he is not a Messiah. He is just a man, just a flesh and blood human like the rest of us.

Yes he is courageous, yes is has offered guidance and information which has enriched our lives, inspired us and helped us grow to become higher versions of ourselves. All he wanted was to inspire people to become their own leaders and capable of independent action.

There is no messiah or leader who is going to come and save you. Stand up and become your own saviour, your own messiah.

I feel that we owe BH a debt for what he has done and let me explain to you how we are going to start repaying it:

There is enough information now out there on how to empower yourselves magically and physically so you get to the stage where you are an active ceremonial magician, able to help and inspire others. If you are not at that stage then make a start with the information which has been presented to you already.

For those who feel that you are ready to take action this is what I want you to, it is so very fucking simple and doesn't require proficiency in the occult.

You are going to work within your own communities at a grass roots level and take some time helping those around you in the immediate vicinity. Rather than being sat on your ass on the internet get out there and start doing good in your local community. Is there a family down your street struggling to feed their kids? Buy them a bag or two of food shopping. Is there an elderly couple or individual living nearby? Why not check in on them every now and then and make sure they are ok?

We waste so much of our personal time and money on shit that does not matter!

Being a Knight of the G.O.O.D.S is not just about slaying and kicking ass (although there is a fair amount to be done).


Sure, sharing information about the Illuminati and the government corruption is important. But if you are refusing to help the vulnerable in your own communities and create a ripple effect then you are missing the point completely.

Don't worry, they'll be a fair amount of info being posted up here but until them start being kind to each other and active within your own communities start a ripple effect.


Lion Heart

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