Saturday 30 July 2016

The Shed of Rebellion

I have re uploaded an old video which was originally on Bear Hearts channel which was deleted and never backed up. It was then recreated by "Super Draco Slayer". I have her permission to upload it on my channel. 

It is the sigil of the GOODS astral lodge, where perhaps you might find the magic personality of bearheart sitting on a leather chaise chair drinking whisky smoking a cigar in strategy with one of the goods spirits or members. You may even meet one of us...

The Shed of Rebellion is located in the planetary sphere of Mars. It was also previously talked about in the video series "Bear Heart Travel" also on my channel. Here Dennis who shares some travels with Bear Heart, astrally travels to the Shed of Rebellion.

I strongly recommend that you watch the 3 part video series "March to Mars".

Some additional information all found in the above which might help with vibrational correspondence:

Day of Mars - Tuesday 
Hours of Mars - 01:00, 08:00, 15:00, 22:00
Red altar cloth or blanket to lie on.
Incense - Dragons Blood 
Stone - Bloodstone
Candle - Red (with Mars sigil carved in)
Crushed herbs (inhale scent) - Garlic, Bay, cinnamon, cayenne, basil 
Number - 5 (5 objects or 5 lots of 5 things 5x5, think numerology)
Sigil - shed of rebellion  

I will not detail what you will find there as you will need to discover that for yourselves.

I would would be interested to hear from your experiences.

Lion Heart 


  1. This is crazy,I promise that the last couple of days I have been wondering if the shead of rebellion was still active and then all the sudden I see you upload this on YouTube I have trying to meditate with this issue a couple of times but I'm going to keep trying brother I have been doing the pike pole exercise to develop my will among other things will development exercises. I haven't Asheville travel there just yet but I have had strong impressions when I have used this video in the last couple of months, I'm going to get there brother.

  2. This is crazy,I promise that the last couple of days I have been wondering if the shead of rebellion was still active and then all the sudden I see you upload this on YouTube I have trying to meditate with this issue a couple of times but I'm going to keep trying brother I have been doing the pike pole exercise to develop my will among other things will development exercises. I haven't Asheville travel there just yet but I have had strong impressions when I have used this video in the last couple of months, I'm going to get there brother.

  3. Ok I just read this. I was actually at the shed of rebelion and was hanging out with bear heart. We talked about some things and he was very curious to know how I had inner circle knowledge that was never released in any of the videos as well as names. I have been pretty silent and never talked with any of you except for in the astral. I did see bearheart on the leather chair. We basically were just bsing and he was watching TV. He gave me a food. If asked what the food is I can confirm. I met another member as well. Anyways yes we are still out here fighting.
