Tuesday 16 February 2016

My GOOD George Experiences. Hail GOOD George!!!

This blog post is about sharing with you the various experiences which I have had while working closely with GOOD George. These experiences have been on the astral, and in the physical.
If you aren’t already working with GOOD George, and you are interested in doing so then make sure you watch the G.O.O.D.S videos and also read the backed up, original G.O.O.D.S blog posts.

I have had nothing but positive experiences working with GOOD George. He certainly encourages you to be at your best and has taught me some VERY valuable lessons. I will include a number of experiences in this blog post but not all of them.

Many of my G.O.O.D.S brothers and sisters have had amazing experiences with GOOD George and other patrons. My experiences are not rare or special from the perspective that I am not the only one who GOOD George has worked with.

From my Initial experiences I was not working with the full official G.O.O.D.S altar because at the time my circumstances were such where I could not setup a full time space to GOOD George. I would just setup a temporary, simple altar where I would offer up dragons blood incense, beer, rum, a red and white candle and water every Tuesday evening to him. I would sit before the altar and recite the Prayer to him:

“Do I hear the gallop of your horse before the bellowing of the dragon slain? 
Or shall I hear the monster gasp its last before the trot of hoof?
One sound I shall never hear is the dropping of your lance or the clamor of your armor fall. 
I ride with you where the dragons are Good George.
I ride with you both night and day. 
I ride with you though I may be weary from battle setting all wrongs right. 
I fight under your banner with righteous strength and unyielding courage.
As I ride with you I know that you are at my side.
I know that your lance is set and you are ready to charge at the first offense against me.
I know that where ever I am there you are in worlds both magic and mundane. 
Lance by lance, horse by horse and soldier by soldier we tally forth.
Ride out with me now Good George I travel to distant lands far from home.
Ride out with me now Good George our destination is mark off the map and says “here be dragons”. 
There is no place you cannot journey no road too treacherous for your glorious steed. 
Ride out with me now Good George I need the strength of an armored champion whose lance will never drop nor whom has ever fallen. 
Do I hear the gallop of your horse before the bellowing of the dragon slain?
Or shall I hear the monster gasp its last before the trot of hoof? 

Feeling his presence, I would converse with him asking for him to act as my patron and that he would watch over me, guide me and protect me. I would ask that he teach me how to fight on the astral realm and also that he would train me so that I would become a knight worthy of his name etc.
Afterwards I would always meditate in front of his altar using the “Three treasuries” breathing method. It was usually during this exercise where I would either astrally project and have amazing experiences or I would have incredible visions.

This is not the only way I would have experiences with him. I would also offer intense physical exercise to him as well.

One of my first major astral projections with him was using the “Three Treasuries” method we were both on horseback overlooking a vast battlefield where there was an army of knights, whom assume were either spirits who work with GOOD George or Spirits of the Realm of Mars (or maybe both) they were clashing with an equally large horde of reptilians. The scope of the battle was nothing short of Lord of the Rings-esq epic in scale. We charged down the hill and joined in battle. I remember coming out of my meditative state and thanking GOOD George for the experience and going to bed. My dreams that night were of seeing patrols of knights hunting down the remnants of the reptilian army.

Other experiences would include visiting what I could only describe as a barracks where I would meet other warriors clad in armour where they were training with various weapons in mele style combat and training to take down dragons.

Two of my most memorable astral experiences would include GOO George training me in taking down a massive red dragon which was wrecking the area I live in, in a "Cloverfield" style attack. I am wearing my armour and attacking the dragon putting deep gouges into it's side and slashing with my sword.

During the battle I see my home and see thick smoke pouring out.  I disengage from the fight to rescue my family members. I run into my house which is smoke filled and pull out the bodies of my loved ones. I can't tell if they are dead or alive. The Dragon has continued to wreck the rest of the town. I wake up and have a communication from GOOD George. He chides me saying "When fighting a dragon never disengage to help casualties until the fight is over". Lesson Learned!

The next night I astrally projected and GOOD George was awaiting me in background. The same red Dragon is in front of me. I charge at it again hacking, stabbing & slashing putting out one of it's eyes and wounding it badly. It rolls onto it's side and exposes it belly to me.

I gut it from neck to tail and once I reach the tail end I turn back to see reptilians claw out from its wound. I charge back towards the neck end and hack at the legs of the reptoids as they come out. I reach the neck end I turn back and see some on the floor wounded & some approaching me.  I move toward them hacking, stabbing and slashing them, I can hear them squeal like stuck pigs as they lie dying. Once they are slain I see the Dragon is still breathing. I am told to kill the Dragon by destroying the heart. I cut open the chest a see the heart is a giant crystal attached via muscle/sinew and arteries. GOOD George gives me two options:

1. Take the Crystal.

2. Smash it.

I smash the Crystal which I feel was the right decision. 

GOOD George advises me that the quickest and most effective way to slay a dragon is to spear it straight through the heart. I look up to see a Massive dark green Dragon in the sky. The next thing I see GOOD George in the sky, dropping on to the Dragons back spearing the it through the back into its heart with his lance. The Dragon drops dead from sky. An awe inspiring sight!

An example of an experience which I had in the physical was where I was walking back home from shopping for food and I see an old man with a walking stick struggling walking down the road. He stops and is struggling for breath. I get a very strong communication from GOOD George that I should assist him to where he is going.
To my shame I walked past him thinking "I’ll help him if he asks for assistance". As I walk past I feel guilty thinking that I could have helped and chose not to. GOOD George also disapproved.

20 seconds later and I see my next door neighbor who is in his late 70's filling up his coal bucket. A second chance to help! He could have done with a hand but again, I walked past.

My own disappointment was apparent and so was GOOD George's.

At that moment I came to a realization, and it was so obvious! It's not just what we do on the astral but what we do in the physical, how we conduct ourselves which is so important. How can I be a G.O.O.D.S member/ draco slayer and an individual who inspires others and in turn helps them to inspire if I don't look after my fellow man and behave like a fucking HUMAN being!!!

If am to be a "Knight" then I must start behaving like one in everyday life!

I have also had help from GOOD George in the physical where he has exorcised foul entities when called upon and has also protected me by an "intervention" in the physical during a potentially volitile situation. He also assisted me with hunting down and slaying a particually foul and troublesome entity which was causing me some problems i wont go into full details but i came to him asking that he take me to the entity so i could battle it on the astral realm and he did just that.

I hope this illustrates the importance of building strong relationships with patrons. They can help to greatly enrich your life.

I have had amazing experiences with other Patrons such as Thor, Hercules, Santisima Muerte, My ancestors and spirit guides etc. Some stories I will share in future posts.

Lion Heart


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Sorry brother had to remove the comment. You know why :)
