Thursday 18 February 2016

Reptilian experience in the physical.

So todays post is going to be about an encounter I had with a Reptilian meat puppet a few years ago. Nothing anywhere near a dangerous as Bear Hearts physical encounter at Dulce many years ago but I thought that this would be interesting to share.

Where I work, I was attending a meeting along with other employees about the restructuring of the company. I work for a large company with government ties (Ill say no more than that).

I'm sat opposite this board of individuals being mindful of my surroundings and all the people in the room (I love to people watch and read body language). There was probably 40 people in this meeting, one of the members of the board "stuck out" from the others. Nothing physically obvious but there was something that just didnt feel wasn't right.

This man in particular was tall (6ft 6') about 95-100kg in his 50's and sat down looking very relaxed. Heavy eye lids, almost lazy yet under the surface very alert and intelligent. He interacts with everyone seems relaxed and friendly. Now sometimes you can instantly recognise someone who is into the occult/spirituality and they can recognise it you. The best way that this was described to me was like a psychic ping back.

Im up to date with my daily rituals but i decide to astrally do the merger ritual and call the 4 winds as an inner circle of protection and then the knights of the round.

I'm still paying attention to this guy trying to figure him out. As he is speaking to my colleague next to me he is talking about an aspect of our contract, he leans forward and smiles saying it is "very draconian". This grabs my attention and as I look at his eyes I see them shift reptilian briefly and you can see he is enjoying hiding in plain sight.

No one else in the room seems to have noticed apart from me. I feel a remarkable calm wash over me and visualise my spiritual armour over my astral and physical body with the master planetary symbol on the breast plate. At this moment he has taken notice of me and is aware of my presence and is looking at me with his peripheral vision calculating while interacting with the room.

I excuse myself and calmly go to the toilet and call upon a spirit I had been working with and ask for his guidance. I feel his presence and ask him how best to proceed. Being the strategist he advises me to stay calm and to physically give nothing away. As I walk back in to the room and sit down I casually start to analyze what I am looking at. I am visualizing with my third eye and I notice a very faint ridge on the centre of his upper forehead under the surface of his skin. It isn't obvious but it is there. I can also sense/ see that he is a lot stronger than he looks. There is what I can only describe as an overlap of his/its astral body which is a little larger than his physical body. I am quietly confident I can take him in a physical fight but it would very be messy, close quarters and dirty. My instincts as a Draco slayer are telling me to jump over the table and tear into him.

He is looking directly at me calculating and I astrally stand up in front of him in my armour and while vibrating Mars draw a flaming astral sword and point it to his chest and project an energy which said "if you fuck with me, I will put it this through you". I can see that he is under the surface shifting uncomfortably.

The meeting ended and as he stood up I could see his frame looked like it carried a lot of strength. He left the room and that I could feel he was aware of me but that was the end of it.

Whatever it was I dont feel that it was a warrior class reptilian. Perhaps what was in front of me used to be fully human but due to the human sacrifice, blood drinking and other disgusting fuckery that he has partaken in perhaps he has allowed a full takeover of his consciousness. I can only make an educated guess. I know of occult groups that quite willingly allow themselves to succumb to transplutonion possession and as a result become physically augmented, but not without serious side effects. More on this another time...

The important thing is that while these things occupy a flesh and blood vessel, they can absolutely be beaten down and destroyed. Is it going to be easy? No its not. Its going to require blood, sweat and time spent lifting iron and become skilled. We all need to be tough and strong but we can beat these things. Gives me hope :)

If anyone has had experiences like this message me. Id love to hear about it.

Lion Heart


  1. Hi, I am an aspiring magician and have recently began regular meditation but I have a couple questions. I met an occultist a couple weeks ago and he said to meditate on the inverted pentagram symbol regularly for a period, but I feel a bit uncertain. What current is the inverted pentagram associated with exactly? Many people seem to be saying different things about that symbol.

  2. My take on the subject is this: The inverted pentagram is nothing to be feared as it is the polar opposite of the upright pentagram. Think Yin and Yang, Light & Dark, Male & Female, Hot & Cold, Creative and Destructive etc. One cannot exist without the other.

    However, there must be balance. You must also think about what energies you want to attract into your life and the kind of person you want to become.

    Myself for example. I wish to attract only positive, balancing, inspiring, healing and loving energies/deities/personalities into my personal sphere of influence. I surround myself with positive and inspiring people, images and music i train very hard to become a man who can. inspire and help others so they in turn can help others themselves. Eventually.

    The path i try to follow is self sacrifice for others. Not sacrificing others for self. Become the hero that you want to be.

    I wish you luck on your path :)

  3. From the videos given on the GOODS channel (by the video author's pronunciation as 'Qwo-lopp', I assume he means 'Qliphoth'), Reptilian entities are declared as allies of the Qliphothic currents so I was wondering if their influence would be invited using symbols like the Inverted Pentagram.

    Also, from the videos on the GOODS channel, ideals of the order seem to be untrusting of angelic influences, identifying them as "archons", mere servants only to a spiteful master. (archon autopsy & LBRP video) Yet on the "Magickal Sword" video, an alliance seems to be made with that particular current in fighting the Qliphothic influences, calling angels "the balance mechanisms of the universe". So I was wanting to ask for clarification. From the Order's speculation on the matter, Would forming relationships with beings such as the Archangels be unwise or encouraged?

  4. Yes, he does mean the Qlipoth. Transplutonians, Draconians and malevonant entities are generally attracted to, for lack of a better term; Negative, dense vibrations and emotions such as fear, and depression etc. This is why illuminati scum bags and black sun-esq death cults use ritual sacrifice and abuse on children, to not only create the right vibration to channel these entities but also to give them offerings etc. I'm going to dedicate a post on this in the not too distant future.

    I personally would not risk attracting that kind of energy into my life. I know that people who do work with the Qliphoth run the risk of become influenced by the "Sacrificing others for self ethos" and attracting nasty entities.

    Saying that though i know that Bear Heart has worked with the Necronomicon to channel transplutonians in order to eradicate powerful black magicians whose defences would not stand up to such an assault. I neither have the knowledge, experience or need to attempt any such thing. You would need to follow strict protocol, and have very strong protection and entities on your side. As well as cleansing before and afterwards.

    However saying that there can come a time where using "black magic" to take out the trash is necessary. It has to be justifiable. I have had to result to such measures to protect my self and others or to serve divine justice. I shall say no more on that matter for now though.

    Forming relations with entities which reside within the Qabbalistic tree of life is ok but i would refer to the blog post in the original G.O.O.D.S blog backup and videos on automatic writing on how channel the correct frequency I would also reference to the videos on the subject as well as the March to Mars videos and Jupitarian Talismanic magick videos as well as the corresponding blog posts.

    I am hoping in the future to link all of the corresponding blog posts and video together to help referencing.

    Hope that helps!

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  5. Yes it does, thanks. I was also wondering where beings like the Goetic spirits would fall into the whole thing. I remember Bearheart stating in the blogs that they are considered major powers of the Astral, but there are also many Qliphothic beings that exists there. "Dark" doesn't necessarily mean "evil", but would any of them be more aligned with Qliphothic currents such as Lucifer or Belial? I'm asking because I was considering contacting Bael for instruction on Astral presence and awareness. Also Gabriel for the same.

    The occulist also mentioned Azazel, who he claims to be one of the very manifestations of the Black Sun itself. Have you ever encountered him?

  6. Too be honest I have very little to do with the Goetia for now. Mainly because of my time constraints on what i can focus on probably. I know that the Goetia are not inherently good or evil. More like a tool which can be used for purpose. They do not necessarily care whether we live or die, nor are they concerned for our well being unless there has been a pact made. They are to be treated with respect and with caution.

    I know that strict protocol must be adhered to and also any promises made must be kept. LBRP at least two weeks solid prior to evoking etc. No i have never encountered Azazel to my knowledge.

  7. Just just one more question. . . How did you go about gaining initiation?

  8. I'll put a blog post up very soon on the subject.

  9. I had a question to ask that is in the GOODS video occupy the astral bear heart said that kundalini was a bad thhing.
    why is that so??

    1. because the kundalini could potentially have you reincarnate as a reptilian in your next life.

      and something about needing a guide/teacher to teach you to tame the serpent current that would take years and most today don't have the discipline to do so.

  10. WHERE is UNCLE BEARHEART you fucking FRAUD


