So you’ve seen some G.O.O.D.S videos and you are chomping at
the bit to get stuck in, curb stomping reptilians and malevolent entities on
the astral plane and make a difference.
Firstly, fucking outstanding!!! I applaud your testicular
fortitude. You are welcome with open arms.
Nothing can be built or accomplished without SOLID
foundations. Basics first!!!
Watch every one of Bear Hearts videos and read all of the
blog posts. Gain an understanding of what you are going to be practicing. Study
it. This is not Dungeons and Dragons or some Disney fantasy nonsense. The
threat is very real and so is the potential dangers. Members of the order have
been “lost” because the wrong people discovering their G.O.O.D.S affiliation or
have succumbed to inflicted trauma through not taking the threat seriously
enough (lack of preparation).
I am not trying to scare you off but you must understand
that walking the path of a Draco Slayer does not go without it’s risks. Prior
preparation prevents piss poor performance!
I would also strongly advise that you partake in a regular
exercise regime of strength and endurance training which will challenge you.
This will serve many purposes. Firstly, this will strengthen your body keeping
you fit and healthy. Secondly it will strengthen your energetic bodies. More
importantly it will increase your willpower by constantly pushing yourself
through adversity and triumphing through accomplishing goals and pushing past
milestones. The stronger the body the stronger the spirit it can house!
There are also practical reasons, you may have to defend
yourself or others in the Physical realm. Being a Draco Slayer you will be
tested in all manner of ways be it an actual initiation style test or a physical
attack by other occultists, right wing pagan hating Christians, archon or
transplutonion influenced individuals. You must not only embrace the role of
priest but also warrior!
This brings me to something which I cannot express enough
and something Bear Heart will tell you, and has done in his videos. Learn a
Martial Art! Something which challenges you where you can pit yourself against
another resisting individual. This will forge a fighting spirit, toughen you up.
If you do get into a physical encounter you will be able to deal with the
situation more effectively along with the physical training regime you will be
Don’t fall into the trap thinking “technique conquers all”.
The techniques you learn in your chosen martial art won’t mean shit unless you
have the physicality to backup and enhance your technique. I have been training
Martial Arts for a very long time and I cannot tell you how important it is to
become physically imposing as well as technically proficient. Strength will
enhance your technique and increase injury prevention.
Don’t be in such a rush to become the strongest, best version
of yourself. Too many people become impatient and either rush and develop bad
habits which, impede progression or they give up completely. This applies in magical
development, strength training, martial arts or any applied field.
Ok, in summary:
Study all of Bear Hearts videos and blog
Become a physical individual
Train a Martial Art
I’ll do another blog post on physical training soon.
Lion Heart.
I have only just discovered your videos and Bear Heart's, only watched a few so far and I am amazed. I'll let you read between the lines and simply say the things you speak of I've known about and experienced from as far back as I can remember in childhood. I had no teachers in some ways but many in others. I would very much like to speak with you privately. I have many questions about these experiences.