Saturday 30 July 2016

Two new videos on my channel

I am very happy and feel privileged to announce that I have uploaded two new videos onto my YT channel:

Introduction to Planetary Ceremonial Magick and Solar Mysteries were created by my sister in arms "Super Draco Slayer" full credit goes to her.

It is our wish that people use this resource as an opportunity to expand their knowledge base.

Lion Heart

The Shed of Rebellion

I have re uploaded an old video which was originally on Bear Hearts channel which was deleted and never backed up. It was then recreated by "Super Draco Slayer". I have her permission to upload it on my channel. 

It is the sigil of the GOODS astral lodge, where perhaps you might find the magic personality of bearheart sitting on a leather chaise chair drinking whisky smoking a cigar in strategy with one of the goods spirits or members. You may even meet one of us...

The Shed of Rebellion is located in the planetary sphere of Mars. It was also previously talked about in the video series "Bear Heart Travel" also on my channel. Here Dennis who shares some travels with Bear Heart, astrally travels to the Shed of Rebellion.

I strongly recommend that you watch the 3 part video series "March to Mars".

Some additional information all found in the above which might help with vibrational correspondence:

Day of Mars - Tuesday 
Hours of Mars - 01:00, 08:00, 15:00, 22:00
Red altar cloth or blanket to lie on.
Incense - Dragons Blood 
Stone - Bloodstone
Candle - Red (with Mars sigil carved in)
Crushed herbs (inhale scent) - Garlic, Bay, cinnamon, cayenne, basil 
Number - 5 (5 objects or 5 lots of 5 things 5x5, think numerology)
Sigil - shed of rebellion  

I will not detail what you will find there as you will need to discover that for yourselves.

I would would be interested to hear from your experiences.

Lion Heart 

Thursday 28 July 2016

Regarding my previous post.

Its been a busy month for the G.O.O.D.S and i realise i haven't had a chance to respond to half of the people who have messaged me.

I will be responding to everyone over the next few days.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

It's been a while... & G.O.O.D.S community opportunity.

Just a quick post to say that there will be more blog posts coming soon.

I have been busy but i am well and continuing my great work.

I have been in discussion with my brothers and sisters about about expanding our "Inner G.O.O.D.S" community. We have created a safe, secure, online community and we are reaching out to G.O.O.D.S members across the globe who would like to join.

If you do want to join then there will be specific criteria that will need to be met to filter out the shills, trouble makers and the just plain weird.

If you  to join then message me for an in depth discussion. Acceptance will not be straight away and will not be solely down to me.

Lion Heart.

Saturday 19 March 2016

Physical training in relation to magical practice and the warrior path

I’m going to be covering the topic of physical training in relation to magical practice and the warrior path. This topic, of course has been covered by Bear Heart but I would like to share my experiences and musings as someone who has been training in the martial arts for over two decades, trains daily and also does functional strength training 3-4 times a week.

I would like to talk about why this is important in relation to practicing Magic and how to go about starting if you practice Magic but perhaps aren’t a very physical person, something which is very common in the occult world.

So why is it important to be a physical individual as well as a magical practitioner?

Physical exercise Increases blood and energy circulation. This is important because your blood contains your life force. By keeping good circulation this will aid you in all of your energetic exercises, strengthen your astral, planetary bodies and energetic templates. It will also strengthen your aura as well as your muscle and bone density. You will notice a strengthened immune system.

Increased sexual vitality (remember people, magical is sexual) Strength training, especially compound exercises which target multiple muscle groups will increase the amount of natural testosterone you produce which is important for health and sex drive. Do not neglect your legs! Training your legs and other major muscle groups with exercises such as back squats, front squats, deadlifts, clean and press are exercises which most people shy away from because they are tough. These are the exercises which you should be doing because they are tough.

Because these exercises are tough they will also strengthen your mind because you are overcoming adversity by consistently reaching milestones and forging your physical body into a powerful vessel. This will in turn have an effect on your energetic bodies. These exercises will give you the biggest benefits in terms of real functional strength gains where the strength you gain can be applied on either an object or individual. Why would you need to apply your strength on a person I hear you ask? Because as practitioners of the occult, we are a demonised people by the church who influence a staggering amount of people. You may well be put into a situation where you will have to defend yourself or a loved one. Not all situations can be overcome by talk or avoidance.

Of course the above mentioned exercises are not the only things you can train with great benefit and a barbell isn’t just the only tool you can use. Clubells, Macebells, Kettlebells will also forge a fearsome level of strength to make you a force to be reckoned with.

Training your grip, wrists and forearms are also essential. There is no point having fearsome strength in your legs, back, and core if you can’t transfer that strength directly onto something or someone. Also, the stronger will you develop by dedicating hours on forging your physical body the more effectively you can exert your will in your magical practice.
You will experience an increase in your overall energy levels, be more awake and alert. It is also a fantastic way to have an overall sense of wellbeing and battle depression, releasing those natural feel good chemicals. Don’t fall into the trap of believing that mages of old were twig thin nerdy looking old men as depicted by Hollywood. Look at history, mages were usually powerful strongmen and warriors.

If you have little or no experience in physical training I strongly advise you to build a foundational level of fitness by doing body weight exercises 3 times a week for 6 months. When doing any physical exercise correct technique is essential. Do not worry if initially you can’t lift a particular weight or manage a particular amount of repetitions. This will come with time do not sacrifice using correct technique just so you can lift a heavier weight as this will lead to injuries, bad habits and structural problems with your body. There is a beauty in putting yourself under that Saturnine current and using your time to forge yourself into a powerful, independent, courageous individual that will help to influence those around you in a positive way.

Become powerful, be courageous be the hero in your own story.

Lion Heart.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Initiation within the G.O.O.D.S

A good question came up about G.O.O.D.S initiation, specially how I became initiated.

My aim is to try and clear up any confusion on this subject. GOOD George is, if you like the spiritual director and overseer of all G.O.O.D.S operations. One thing that Bear Heart was very clear on in his older videos was that by using vibrational correspondence with GOOD George, by building a relationship with him and by showing your commitment to becoming a Draco Slayer each person will experience a form of initiation. Each would be unique to the individual but there would be a particular theme or undercurrent.

My particular experience of initiation was both physical and metaphysical.

I was having a workout which was specifically dedicated to GOOD George. In front of the space where I was training I had placed GOOD Georges picture which I use on my altar to him and recited the G.O.O.D.S prayer. Feeling his presence, I told him I was dedicating my workout to him in order to show my commitment to becoming a Draco slayer and Knight worthy of GOOD George. This particular workout was 100 repetitions of single hand clean and press with a heavy kettlebell.

The protocol for this workout is simple but builds all round strength. You squat and pick up the kettlebell with one hand and then clean it into therack position”. From there you then military press the kettlebell above your head, bring it back into therack position”, put it down and then pick it up with the other hand and repeat until you have done either 50 on each side or have reached the 30 minute time limit.

I began the workout and could feel his watchful gaze on me. The energy around me was unusually strong. Little did I know my test was about to begin. When I had reached around at about repetition 40 I could feel and intuitively knew that a portal of some kind had been opened up at the door way of the room and felt the energy of foul reptilians in front of me I could see them in my mind’s eye.

I snarled at them and loudly stated my name and that I am a member of the G.O.O.D.S. I projected anger/rage towards them along with my intentions and stated that I declare all-out war towards them that I will hunt them down and slay any which stand in my way or intend to cause harm towards the human race. I am VERY Marsarian by nature and if they had manifested physically I would have charged into them screaming GOOD Georges name and would have fought to the death. I love life and my fellow man. I would have gladly gone down in a blaze of glory. I felt my energy push them back and they slunk away and left.

I continued my workout and by rep 70/80 I felt the presence of another energy. Clearly in my minds eye I was surrounded by knights, all in full armor standing in ceremony. We were in a temple of some kind I felt an intense heat coming from the altar of St George and in my mind’s eye he approached me. I stood with my arms open and he dressed me in his armor starting from the head down.

A crest appeared on my breast plate of a shield. One side red and one side yellow and a lion was on the shield yellow on the red side and red on the yellow.

The word “Lion Heart” resounded clearly in my head!

I thanked the surrounding knights and St George for this honor and finished my remaining 20 repetitions. I know of other members of the order who have had their own initiations. Mine was an initiation with St George but I had also previously slain a Draco on the astral. A theme with the initiation process with myself and others seems to be a sort of Lion hearted themed.

I am currently undergoing a long term physical and academic initiation under the guidance of Thor in order to “earn the right to roll with Thor”.  Once this has been completed I might tell that story.

The order has many Spirits in its house. I believe that by working with these entities over time, showing dedication and sincerity they will open up their mysteries to you. It won’t happen overnight, but let’s be honest nothing ever good and lasting ever does. I am a huge believer in the 10,000 hour rule. If you truly want to achieve proficiency in anything, be it playing a musical instrument, Drawing, Martial Arts, Strength training, an academic subject, magick, whatever, you must clock at least ten thousand hours.

That is the equivalent of 3 hours a night, every night for 10 years.

It doesn’t matter if initially you suck shit at whatever it is and everyone around you seems to be so much better. “HARD WORK BEATS TALENT WHEN TALENT DOESN’T WORK HARD”. This is truth. If you want it, if you truly want to achieve something you’ll do it in time.

Work with that Saturnine current.

If you want results and you are not prepared to put 10,000 hours in, then don’t fucking bitch and whine to me or anyone else. Fuck you and your lack of commitment. However, if you do want it and you are willing to put the time in and continue to strive for excellence despite failing over and over again then let’s talk.

Lion Heart.

Thursday 18 February 2016

Reptilian experience in the physical.

So todays post is going to be about an encounter I had with a Reptilian meat puppet a few years ago. Nothing anywhere near a dangerous as Bear Hearts physical encounter at Dulce many years ago but I thought that this would be interesting to share.

Where I work, I was attending a meeting along with other employees about the restructuring of the company. I work for a large company with government ties (Ill say no more than that).

I'm sat opposite this board of individuals being mindful of my surroundings and all the people in the room (I love to people watch and read body language). There was probably 40 people in this meeting, one of the members of the board "stuck out" from the others. Nothing physically obvious but there was something that just didnt feel wasn't right.

This man in particular was tall (6ft 6') about 95-100kg in his 50's and sat down looking very relaxed. Heavy eye lids, almost lazy yet under the surface very alert and intelligent. He interacts with everyone seems relaxed and friendly. Now sometimes you can instantly recognise someone who is into the occult/spirituality and they can recognise it you. The best way that this was described to me was like a psychic ping back.

Im up to date with my daily rituals but i decide to astrally do the merger ritual and call the 4 winds as an inner circle of protection and then the knights of the round.

I'm still paying attention to this guy trying to figure him out. As he is speaking to my colleague next to me he is talking about an aspect of our contract, he leans forward and smiles saying it is "very draconian". This grabs my attention and as I look at his eyes I see them shift reptilian briefly and you can see he is enjoying hiding in plain sight.

No one else in the room seems to have noticed apart from me. I feel a remarkable calm wash over me and visualise my spiritual armour over my astral and physical body with the master planetary symbol on the breast plate. At this moment he has taken notice of me and is aware of my presence and is looking at me with his peripheral vision calculating while interacting with the room.

I excuse myself and calmly go to the toilet and call upon a spirit I had been working with and ask for his guidance. I feel his presence and ask him how best to proceed. Being the strategist he advises me to stay calm and to physically give nothing away. As I walk back in to the room and sit down I casually start to analyze what I am looking at. I am visualizing with my third eye and I notice a very faint ridge on the centre of his upper forehead under the surface of his skin. It isn't obvious but it is there. I can also sense/ see that he is a lot stronger than he looks. There is what I can only describe as an overlap of his/its astral body which is a little larger than his physical body. I am quietly confident I can take him in a physical fight but it would very be messy, close quarters and dirty. My instincts as a Draco slayer are telling me to jump over the table and tear into him.

He is looking directly at me calculating and I astrally stand up in front of him in my armour and while vibrating Mars draw a flaming astral sword and point it to his chest and project an energy which said "if you fuck with me, I will put it this through you". I can see that he is under the surface shifting uncomfortably.

The meeting ended and as he stood up I could see his frame looked like it carried a lot of strength. He left the room and that I could feel he was aware of me but that was the end of it.

Whatever it was I dont feel that it was a warrior class reptilian. Perhaps what was in front of me used to be fully human but due to the human sacrifice, blood drinking and other disgusting fuckery that he has partaken in perhaps he has allowed a full takeover of his consciousness. I can only make an educated guess. I know of occult groups that quite willingly allow themselves to succumb to transplutonion possession and as a result become physically augmented, but not without serious side effects. More on this another time...

The important thing is that while these things occupy a flesh and blood vessel, they can absolutely be beaten down and destroyed. Is it going to be easy? No its not. Its going to require blood, sweat and time spent lifting iron and become skilled. We all need to be tough and strong but we can beat these things. Gives me hope :)

If anyone has had experiences like this message me. Id love to hear about it.

Lion Heart

Tuesday 16 February 2016

My GOOD George Experiences. Hail GOOD George!!!

This blog post is about sharing with you the various experiences which I have had while working closely with GOOD George. These experiences have been on the astral, and in the physical.
If you aren’t already working with GOOD George, and you are interested in doing so then make sure you watch the G.O.O.D.S videos and also read the backed up, original G.O.O.D.S blog posts.

I have had nothing but positive experiences working with GOOD George. He certainly encourages you to be at your best and has taught me some VERY valuable lessons. I will include a number of experiences in this blog post but not all of them.

Many of my G.O.O.D.S brothers and sisters have had amazing experiences with GOOD George and other patrons. My experiences are not rare or special from the perspective that I am not the only one who GOOD George has worked with.

From my Initial experiences I was not working with the full official G.O.O.D.S altar because at the time my circumstances were such where I could not setup a full time space to GOOD George. I would just setup a temporary, simple altar where I would offer up dragons blood incense, beer, rum, a red and white candle and water every Tuesday evening to him. I would sit before the altar and recite the Prayer to him:

“Do I hear the gallop of your horse before the bellowing of the dragon slain? 
Or shall I hear the monster gasp its last before the trot of hoof?
One sound I shall never hear is the dropping of your lance or the clamor of your armor fall. 
I ride with you where the dragons are Good George.
I ride with you both night and day. 
I ride with you though I may be weary from battle setting all wrongs right. 
I fight under your banner with righteous strength and unyielding courage.
As I ride with you I know that you are at my side.
I know that your lance is set and you are ready to charge at the first offense against me.
I know that where ever I am there you are in worlds both magic and mundane. 
Lance by lance, horse by horse and soldier by soldier we tally forth.
Ride out with me now Good George I travel to distant lands far from home.
Ride out with me now Good George our destination is mark off the map and says “here be dragons”. 
There is no place you cannot journey no road too treacherous for your glorious steed. 
Ride out with me now Good George I need the strength of an armored champion whose lance will never drop nor whom has ever fallen. 
Do I hear the gallop of your horse before the bellowing of the dragon slain?
Or shall I hear the monster gasp its last before the trot of hoof? 

Feeling his presence, I would converse with him asking for him to act as my patron and that he would watch over me, guide me and protect me. I would ask that he teach me how to fight on the astral realm and also that he would train me so that I would become a knight worthy of his name etc.
Afterwards I would always meditate in front of his altar using the “Three treasuries” breathing method. It was usually during this exercise where I would either astrally project and have amazing experiences or I would have incredible visions.

This is not the only way I would have experiences with him. I would also offer intense physical exercise to him as well.

One of my first major astral projections with him was using the “Three Treasuries” method we were both on horseback overlooking a vast battlefield where there was an army of knights, whom assume were either spirits who work with GOOD George or Spirits of the Realm of Mars (or maybe both) they were clashing with an equally large horde of reptilians. The scope of the battle was nothing short of Lord of the Rings-esq epic in scale. We charged down the hill and joined in battle. I remember coming out of my meditative state and thanking GOOD George for the experience and going to bed. My dreams that night were of seeing patrols of knights hunting down the remnants of the reptilian army.

Other experiences would include visiting what I could only describe as a barracks where I would meet other warriors clad in armour where they were training with various weapons in mele style combat and training to take down dragons.

Two of my most memorable astral experiences would include GOO George training me in taking down a massive red dragon which was wrecking the area I live in, in a "Cloverfield" style attack. I am wearing my armour and attacking the dragon putting deep gouges into it's side and slashing with my sword.

During the battle I see my home and see thick smoke pouring out.  I disengage from the fight to rescue my family members. I run into my house which is smoke filled and pull out the bodies of my loved ones. I can't tell if they are dead or alive. The Dragon has continued to wreck the rest of the town. I wake up and have a communication from GOOD George. He chides me saying "When fighting a dragon never disengage to help casualties until the fight is over". Lesson Learned!

The next night I astrally projected and GOOD George was awaiting me in background. The same red Dragon is in front of me. I charge at it again hacking, stabbing & slashing putting out one of it's eyes and wounding it badly. It rolls onto it's side and exposes it belly to me.

I gut it from neck to tail and once I reach the tail end I turn back to see reptilians claw out from its wound. I charge back towards the neck end and hack at the legs of the reptoids as they come out. I reach the neck end I turn back and see some on the floor wounded & some approaching me.  I move toward them hacking, stabbing and slashing them, I can hear them squeal like stuck pigs as they lie dying. Once they are slain I see the Dragon is still breathing. I am told to kill the Dragon by destroying the heart. I cut open the chest a see the heart is a giant crystal attached via muscle/sinew and arteries. GOOD George gives me two options:

1. Take the Crystal.

2. Smash it.

I smash the Crystal which I feel was the right decision. 

GOOD George advises me that the quickest and most effective way to slay a dragon is to spear it straight through the heart. I look up to see a Massive dark green Dragon in the sky. The next thing I see GOOD George in the sky, dropping on to the Dragons back spearing the it through the back into its heart with his lance. The Dragon drops dead from sky. An awe inspiring sight!

An example of an experience which I had in the physical was where I was walking back home from shopping for food and I see an old man with a walking stick struggling walking down the road. He stops and is struggling for breath. I get a very strong communication from GOOD George that I should assist him to where he is going.
To my shame I walked past him thinking "I’ll help him if he asks for assistance". As I walk past I feel guilty thinking that I could have helped and chose not to. GOOD George also disapproved.

20 seconds later and I see my next door neighbor who is in his late 70's filling up his coal bucket. A second chance to help! He could have done with a hand but again, I walked past.

My own disappointment was apparent and so was GOOD George's.

At that moment I came to a realization, and it was so obvious! It's not just what we do on the astral but what we do in the physical, how we conduct ourselves which is so important. How can I be a G.O.O.D.S member/ draco slayer and an individual who inspires others and in turn helps them to inspire if I don't look after my fellow man and behave like a fucking HUMAN being!!!

If am to be a "Knight" then I must start behaving like one in everyday life!

I have also had help from GOOD George in the physical where he has exorcised foul entities when called upon and has also protected me by an "intervention" in the physical during a potentially volitile situation. He also assisted me with hunting down and slaying a particually foul and troublesome entity which was causing me some problems i wont go into full details but i came to him asking that he take me to the entity so i could battle it on the astral realm and he did just that.

I hope this illustrates the importance of building strong relationships with patrons. They can help to greatly enrich your life.

I have had amazing experiences with other Patrons such as Thor, Hercules, Santisima Muerte, My ancestors and spirit guides etc. Some stories I will share in future posts.

Lion Heart

Thursday 11 February 2016

G.O.O.D.S backed up information now available for YOU!

If you would like all of the original G.O.O.D.S blog posts and YouTube videos to download for your own collection or to share and spread the word i now have the means to share.

This information is COMPLETELY FREE!

I only ask that you give FULL CREDIT to Bear Heart.

contact me at and lets make this happen!!!

Lion Heart

Sunday 7 February 2016

Cleansing Yourself

Something which magical practitioners don’t do nearly enough is cleansing their physical and energetic bodies of the negative astral sludge one can pick up on a daily basis. The more empathetic you are and become the more important this is especially if you are feeling energetically shitty.
I try to cleanse myself at least once a week. Bear Hearts Apollo Cleansing video is great but here are two methods which I currently use which work wonders:

Method 1: Spiritual detox bath (full credit to Bear Heart)
You will need:
1 white candle
Epsom bath salts

Run a hot bath which isn’t scorching but you can comfortably soak in for 20-30 minutes. Get a large cup of Epsom bath salts and a handful of each of the 3 herbs and add them to the bath just before you get in and give them a swirl.

Light the white candle and place it where you can easily see it while in the bath. Once in the bath softly gaze at the candle and pray to prime creator that this bath cleanses your physical and energetic bodies and purges you of all negative energies. I will usually listen to some relaxing pineal gland activation music on YouTube (there’s lots available to listen to). I will also perform the three treasuries breathing detailed in Bear Hearts video:

Just relax and visualize all the negative sludge seep out of your body into the bath water. Remember to completely submerge your head as well. Once you are done stay in the bath and lie there until all of the bath water has gone down the drain along with all the negative energy. You will feel totally purged and also very relaxed. You will have a lot of the herbs clinging to your body and hair so shower them off.

Additional cleansing method: clearing your head channel (full credit to Super Draco Slayer)
This is optional but great for clearing and cleansing your head channel. Once you have showered off the herbs and no longer look like the swamp thing, towel yourself off and take a cup of coconut milk and add a small amount of white rum pour it over your head and massage it in. This won’t leave a greasy residue and will be very cleansing for your head. Allow it to dry on its own.

Method 2: Cleansing at your altar (full credit to Sancista Bruja Louis)
My spiritual god mother sent me this excellent video link by Sancista Bruja Louis (not G.O.O.D.S affiliated).

Remember. Make sure you cleanse on a regular basis!


Lion Heart

Where to start?

So you’ve seen some G.O.O.D.S videos and you are chomping at the bit to get stuck in, curb stomping reptilians and malevolent entities on the astral plane and make a difference.

Firstly, fucking outstanding!!! I applaud your testicular fortitude. You are welcome with open arms.

Nothing can be built or accomplished without SOLID foundations. Basics first!!!

Watch every one of Bear Hearts videos and read all of the blog posts. Gain an understanding of what you are going to be practicing. Study it. This is not Dungeons and Dragons or some Disney fantasy nonsense. The threat is very real and so is the potential dangers. Members of the order have been “lost” because the wrong people discovering their G.O.O.D.S affiliation or have succumbed to inflicted trauma through not taking the threat seriously enough (lack of preparation).

I am not trying to scare you off but you must understand that walking the path of a Draco Slayer does not go without it’s risks. Prior preparation prevents piss poor performance!

I would also strongly advise that you partake in a regular exercise regime of strength and endurance training which will challenge you. This will serve many purposes. Firstly, this will strengthen your body keeping you fit and healthy. Secondly it will strengthen your energetic bodies. More importantly it will increase your willpower by constantly pushing yourself through adversity and triumphing through accomplishing goals and pushing past milestones. The stronger the body the stronger the spirit it can house!

There are also practical reasons, you may have to defend yourself or others in the Physical realm. Being a Draco Slayer you will be tested in all manner of ways be it an actual initiation style test or a physical attack by other occultists, right wing pagan hating Christians, archon or transplutonion influenced individuals. You must not only embrace the role of priest but also warrior!

This brings me to something which I cannot express enough and something Bear Heart will tell you, and has done in his videos. Learn a Martial Art! Something which challenges you where you can pit yourself against another resisting individual. This will forge a fighting spirit, toughen you up. If you do get into a physical encounter you will be able to deal with the situation more effectively along with the physical training regime you will be doing.

Don’t fall into the trap thinking “technique conquers all”. The techniques you learn in your chosen martial art won’t mean shit unless you have the physicality to backup and enhance your technique. I have been training Martial Arts for a very long time and I cannot tell you how important it is to become physically imposing as well as technically proficient. Strength will enhance your technique and increase injury prevention.

Don’t be in such a rush to become the strongest, best version of yourself. Too many people become impatient and either rush and develop bad habits which, impede progression or they give up completely. This applies in magical development, strength training, martial arts or any applied field.

Ok, in summary:

Study all of Bear Hearts videos and blog

Become a physical individual

Train a Martial Art

I’ll do another blog post on physical training soon.

Lion Heart.

Sunday 31 January 2016

G.O.O.D.S Info backed up and safe. Now for what is next...

Ok, so all of Bear Hearts blog posts have now been backed up on to my other blog on this Google + account dedicated to those older posts:

I encountered a minimal amount of resistance in doing this but nothing which wasn’t easily nullified. I will be editing B.H’s posts slightly but only to link the corresponding YT video on my account to the Corresponding blog posts at each end in order to make it easier for those studying the G.O.O.D.S information to cross reference.

At the time of writing this post I haven’t started sharing the fuck out of my blogs or my YT account yet but here is a message to those who are going to want to try and make things difficult:



Ok so why am I going through all this effort to bring all of this information back into the light. Firstly, the information that B.H released is too damn important. If like me, you want to fight the forces of darkness and eradicate the illuminati draconian threat then we need the means to fight them. In the physical we can only do so much. However, on the astral we can cause significant damage.

My goal is to not only help to introduce the G.O.O.D.S great work to those who are new to it but also to unite all the warriors who have embraced the G.O.O.D.S. Some of you will want to stay anonymous and continue to fight, that is fine at least this information will be here for you to use.
Now I am in no way, shape or form trying to replace BH. I am also not trying to become a leader or messiah. I neither crave or want that. I am doing this because I am being directed to do this and because it is the RIGHT thing to do.

If 1000 people see if information only 10 may take up the fight. But if 10,000 people see his and 100 people decide to become active fully functional Astral Warriors then we will be able to cause significant damage.

If no one else decides to take up the fight, then so be it. I will continue regardless. I enjoy operating alone and will continue to do so.

I do not have the experience or knowledge base of Bear Heart and I will never pretend to. I will share some of my musings and experiences on this blog.

More to come.

Lion Heart.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Secondary blog: Original G.O.O.D.S blog backup.

I am currently working on another blog where i will be re-uploading the original blog posts from Bear Hearts blog.

I will post the link once it is up!

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Ancestor and spirit guide veneration

Please note, not all of this information is my own. Credit goes out to Bear Heart, Super Draco Slayer and also "C" r.i.p.

Today I am going to be talking about ancestor and spirit guide veneration. Why it is important and how to setup an altar to them. It is a very simple process and requires minimal upkeep.

Your ancestors and spirit guides are essentially your first line of defence when it comes to spiritual warfare. They watch over you, guide you and protect you they also help to manifest things in your life. If you are on bad terms with them they may be blocking your magical work and can even turn it back on you.

Setting up an Altar to them is a very healing process for both you and for them. In time as you strengthen them, they in turn can help you better as well. They can help heal you open your roads, hone your medium ship abilities and of course watch over and protect you.

Some of your ancestors may be suffering in darkness, lost and depressed due to a combination circumstances which can include a sudden and/or traumatic death or they were enslaved thanks to the Faustian pact where they were misled in life thanks to the corruption with Christianity which has become cancer in our society.

Using ancestor veneration you can reclaim them from any Faustian Pact and also if in the unlikely circumstances they have been enslaved by a mage. You can heal them and help them to elevate in the peace and light of Prime Creator. This is a very healing process for both you and them. It is important to note that the reason that you are here today is because of the actions and sacrifices your ancestors have made in the past and by creating a strong bond between you and them is massively beneficial for you both.

It is worth noting that there are several ways and variations on setting up an altar to your ancestors and spirit guides. There are several good videos on the subject on YouTube from various channels.

You will need:

A white altar cloth to cover the surface where you will be setting your altar up. Preferably somewhere peaceful and quiet, not in the bedroom or anywhere where you will be naked or having sex as it is very disrespectful to them. You wouldnt want your grandparents to see you getting nasty.

1, 7 or 9 glasses of water (if working with 7 or 9 make sure 1 is larger than the rest).

1 white novella or pillar candle and a glass plate or bowl to place it on.

A metal crucifix which will fit into the main glass. The cross will act as a portal like a crossroads, it does not need to be about Christianity.

Incense of any kind.

Parchment paper or paper from a brown paper bag will suffice.

Offerings can be alcohol such as rum, whiskey, wine etc.

A ritual meal of pork, rice, bread, honey (nothing salted as it can trap spirits).

A glass ashtray if you wish to offer cigars (blow smoke on the altar 9 times before placing the cigar on the ashtray to burn out

A financial offering if you wish. Money is worth many, many times over what it is here in the spirit world. Nothing that will break the bank. Perhaps five dollars.

If you can try to find your family tree or a list of all the names of your deceased family members that you know. There are many resources on the internet which will be a good opportunity to research your ancestors. If you have no known family then no list will be required. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the culture of your ancestors and the gods that they would have worshipped as this can influence the theme/flavour of your altar.

You can place photos of deceased family members or items that would be relevant to them such as family crests or items which are culturally relevant to your family. DO NOT place photos of the living on there.

DO NOT place food or drink that you will be eating/drinking on the altar.

You can offer a weapon on the altar which your ancestors would have used culturally in the past. They can use it to protect you.

Setting up the altar

Place the Altar somewhere quiet within your home. Ancestors prefer places which are cool and quiet. If you can, cleansing the area where you will be setting up the altar is a good idea. You can use rum and spray it over the area you will be using (from your mouth) or you can light a cigar and blow smoke over the space. Also cleanse the items that you will be placing upon the altar.

Once everything is dry place the white cloth on the altar and glass/glasses of water on top. If using more than one glass have the smaller glasses surround the main glass. Place the metal crucifix in the main glass if you have one. Fill the glasses with water.

Place the white candle (pillar or novella) on a plate or glass bowl where it won't set anything alight as it burns down.

Place your offerings on the altar (alcohol, incense, ritual meal, financial offering, flowers etc). Place the petition written on parchment paper under the plate where the candle is kept. The financial offering can also be placed here.

Calling upon your ancestors and spirit guides

Light the candle and incense, then perform the Equalization of the quabalistic cross:

For those of you who dont know what the above is, familiarize yourselves with the Lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram tutorial in the 2 part video which Bear Heart teaches, which can be found on my YouTube Channel in the link below:

Reach above your head with your power hand (the hand which you write with) draw down the energy of prime creator from above your head to the energy centre of Uranus with your hand and say may the glory of heaven.

Then drawing that energy with your hand down though from your head, down your centre line and with your hand stopping at your genitals continue to guide the energy through the floor beneath you and say be manifested below by the hands of flesh

Then drawing the energy back up with your hand to your heart centre and along to your right shoulder say may my strength be as terrifying as thunder and as swift as lighting

Then drawing the energy back across your chest with your hand to your left shoulder say may my terrifying and swift strength be tempered by mercy and compassion

Then by crossing your arms over your chest with your hands on your shoulders your power arm underneath your none power arm (think Egyptian mummy) focus on the energy centre of Sol and say for all the days that I shall live may I be as bold and as brilliant as the Sun.

Recite the following prayer:

In the name of Prime Creator, that which is most high I call upon my ancestors and spirit guides who are kneeling at the feet of the source in glory and light.  I summon and call forth my ancestors and spirit guides, known and unknown to be here by my side.

May peace be upon you in the name of god!

Prime Creator, that which is most high, place a ring of light and protection around me on this most sacred and holy night/day so I will be completely invisible and protected from my enemies known and unknown (think about one of the original G.O.O.D.S videos introducing working with your sphere of personal influence)

May peace be upon you in the name of god!

I call upon my family members who are in darkness and lost and forgotten, I offer light in the form of this candle, to come forth and to find this sacred ritual. I call upon my ancestors who guide me and protect me.

May peace be upon you in the name of god!

I do summon and call forth on this most sacred and holy night/day, my ancestors who's names I know:

*State here all of the names of those family members you know who have passed on*

To come forth and I do summon on this most sacred and holy night/day all of my ancestors who's names I don't know, who are suffering in darkness, and depressed, to come forth to this sacred ritual.

May peace be upon you in the name of god!

I offer you light so that you may light my roads on darkness. I pour livation with honour and respect to my ancestors known and unknown, and offer you this meal to give you strength.

May peace be upon you in the name of god!

By the divine power of Prime Creator I pray to the divine source for mercy and blessing, I pray for the elevation of all my ancestors known and unknown into the the sacred light of the creator source on this most sacred and holy night/day.

May peace be upon you in the name of god!

Through the divine powers of the creator source, I do forgive all those Ancestors who have caused harm, caused sadness, or have done any wrongs against me and our family in the realms of the living and the dead.

May peace be upon you in the name of god!

Through the divine powers of the creator source, I ask all of my ancestors known and unknown to forgive me for any and all wrongs I may have committed in the past, so we can move forward together and elevate into the grace of God as one family unit.

May peace be upon you in the name of god!

I summon my ancestors to be here by my side!

I summon my ancestors to be here by my side!

I summon my ancestors to be here by my side!

Who is the greatest in heaven?  Prime Creator!

Who is the greatest in heaven? Prime Creator!

Who is the greatest in heaven? Prime Creator!

Who are you? Most honoured and cherished ancestors!

Who are you? Most honoured and cherished ancestors!

Who are you? Most honoured and cherished ancestors!

May peace be upon you in the name of god!

*State your spiritual request*

After saying this prayer you should meditate on your desires and sit with your ancestors and just feel their presence. You will feel a great peace of mind and very relaxed. You should do this ritual regularly, about once a week, in order to raise as many of your ancestors into the light of the creator source as possible. The more ancestors we have to assist us in life, the more success in all of our undertakings we will have.


This is a fantastic healing prayer which you can say daily, or weekly to begin a very powerful process of healing for you, your ancestors, spirit guides, your family members and family line. Diseases can be inherited in our spiritual genetic energy patterns, and you can clear and cleanse all negative energy in your family line, which will begin to heal you and members of your family. You should say this prayer in front of your anscestral altar:

In the name of Prime Creator, that which is most high, may peace and luck be upon you.

I offer light, and pour livation with respect and honour to all my ancestors, who's names I know and all the ones I don't know to uplift and liberate their souls, in the name and light of the creator source, prime creator. For it is through the love and will of all mighty god that all souls are saved.

I offer prayer and protection by way of the divine creator for those ancestral souls that are in darkness, forgotten, or lost. Let the light I offer fade out the shadows of fear and guide them towards the arms of the almighty creator source. I offer guidance to my ancestors by way of the creator source and protective spirits who by the power and order of prime creator will assist their greater act of evolution.

Let the light I offer be a beacon of hope, and serve as an escape and protective shield from the shadows of fear and disparity. I offer love, compassion and comfort to those ancestral souls that are suffering and depressed. Let the light I offer lead them from the discord and misery of their souls to the sanctuary of the creator source and the light and joys of heavenly bliss.

I offer healing by way of the supreme being on all spiritual levels for those ancestors who were misguided, neglected, oppressed, pained, traumatized and died tragically. Let the light I offer to their souls inspire clemency, liberation, faith, love and harmony from this day onward.

I offer forgiveness to the ancestral souls that want to repent sincerely for the errors of their ways in the realms of live and death. Let this light guide them to the truth, enlightenment and righteousness of prime creator. In addition, I forgive those ancestral souls that upset their generational line, and I forgive those ancestors whos past sins I have had to suffer as a result of their negativity, ignorance, fear, habits and traits.

Let the light I offer serve as a reminder for us in the living to acknowledge and learn from those who lived before us and to, by making better choices. In every way I forgive those ancestors who need it the most so that their souls will embrace in positive gratification, a new and improved way of living in the spirit realm, and that those souls will elevate in peace and awaken to eternal life Prime Creator has promised all of us.

In the name of the creator source and its protective spirits, through their mercy and blessings, let today be the beginning of a continual healing process for all of my ancestral guides, and release all blocked and negative genetic energy patterns within the generational line, steadily healing each family member including myself, day to day.

As you the ancestors heal on the other side, we ask you to forgive us, as you have been forgiven, and help us heal with free-flowing positive progressive energy for the better well being for all concerned. In Prime Creators name we pray and may the light, power and peace of the creator source be with us always!

So it was spoken, so it shall be!

May peace be upon you in the name of god!

*state your spiritual request*

In conclusion

Prayer and offerings such as candles, incense, water, liquor, and ritually prepared meals, will bring great strength to your ancestors and will allow many of them who were lost, forgotten and in darkness in the spirit realm, to be found and brought into the light. Just imagine how thankful, grateful and happy these ancestors will be after doing these rituals to elevate their souls through repetition of prayer and offerings. Regular meditation with your ancestors and spirit guides, in front or your ancestor altar will develop your psychic abilities and mediumship.

Other considerations

Ensure that you change the water every week. If you find that the water has become clouded, then it is an indication that your ancestors/spirit guides have trapped/filtered something negative. Pour the it away and change with fresh water. Bubbles are an indication that your ancestors are present. Make sure that any offerings of food or alcohol is thrown away before it becomes bad/mouldy.

If you have to put out the candles for any reason, then snuff them out as opposed to blowing them out. Pay attention to feelings/emotions, tastes, scents and intuitions when working with your ancestors and spirit guides as they will communicate with you in many forms, including your dreams so keep a dream journal.

In terms of what to do with the financial offerings, you can keep it on the altar for weeks or even months, you can use the money to buy supplies for the altar or if you feel an inclination to purchase a particular item or even donate to charity

Introduction: Who, Why & What Now?

Please note this blog has moved from its original place. This post was originally written on 15th May 2015.

You may call me Lion Heart. I am a member of the Grand Order of Draco Slayers. A Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Some of you will be familiar with The G.O.O.D.S and for some of you this may be the first time you have heard of us.

We are a Magical Martial Order, dedicated to the eradication of the Illuminati Draconian threat which is a blight on the human race. Our goal is to combat the above be it in the astral or physical plane.

For those of you who have not heard of us before I suggest you start here:

I have been involved in the G.O.O.D.S movement now for about 4 years to the date of writing this blog and esoteric arts for much longer. Lion Heart was a title bestowed upon me by St George (more about that another time). Writing this blog has been something I have been meaning to do for some time now but I feel that I have now been pushed into doing this with Bear Heart taking a step back from the public eye.

The G.O.O.D.S movement is still alive and well, there is an active group of Ceremonial Magicians now networking with each other across the world doing their own workings and inspiring others. The majority of us keep our identities secret. There are forces out there who would wish to see our movement crushed and I have a message for those forces:

YOU HAVE FAILED. All of BH's blog and all of his videos have been fully backed up across the world, physically backed up. If and when this information gets deleted off the internet it will simply be re-uploaded along with new material. In summary we are slowly becoming legion. You will not stop us!!!

No doubt a lot of you will have the following questions:

Where has BH gone and is he alive/ok?

To answer that question, yes he is fine. He has taken a step back from the public eye and is still continuing his great work. Whether or not he will reappear in the public eye I do not know. We all wish him the very best in all his future endeavours. Your work lives on in us!

So what now?

With BH away a lot of you feel that you have lost direction and are crying out for a leader to inspire you and to lead you. What I am about to say is going to sound harsh to some of you:


Bear Heart is not your leader, he is not a Messiah. He is just a man, just a flesh and blood human like the rest of us.

Yes he is courageous, yes is has offered guidance and information which has enriched our lives, inspired us and helped us grow to become higher versions of ourselves. All he wanted was to inspire people to become their own leaders and capable of independent action.

There is no messiah or leader who is going to come and save you. Stand up and become your own saviour, your own messiah.

I feel that we owe BH a debt for what he has done and let me explain to you how we are going to start repaying it:

There is enough information now out there on how to empower yourselves magically and physically so you get to the stage where you are an active ceremonial magician, able to help and inspire others. If you are not at that stage then make a start with the information which has been presented to you already.

For those who feel that you are ready to take action this is what I want you to, it is so very fucking simple and doesn't require proficiency in the occult.

You are going to work within your own communities at a grass roots level and take some time helping those around you in the immediate vicinity. Rather than being sat on your ass on the internet get out there and start doing good in your local community. Is there a family down your street struggling to feed their kids? Buy them a bag or two of food shopping. Is there an elderly couple or individual living nearby? Why not check in on them every now and then and make sure they are ok?

We waste so much of our personal time and money on shit that does not matter!

Being a Knight of the G.O.O.D.S is not just about slaying and kicking ass (although there is a fair amount to be done).


Sure, sharing information about the Illuminati and the government corruption is important. But if you are refusing to help the vulnerable in your own communities and create a ripple effect then you are missing the point completely.

Don't worry, they'll be a fair amount of info being posted up here but until them start being kind to each other and active within your own communities start a ripple effect.


Lion Heart